Mindfulness Meditation: Expertise Tailored for Your Sexual Healthcare

In January 2025 Kimberly completed a 2-year Mindfulness Meditation Teachers Training Program presented by The Awareness Training Institute and in collaboration with Greater Good Science Center, University of California, Berkeley. Co-led by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach, the immersive 2-year training experience provided a broad range of learning experiences delivered by highly skilled mindfulness experts, leaders, and social activists from around the world. 

MMTCP Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher

Awareness Training Institute and Greater Good Science Center, University of California, Berkeley Mindfulness Meditation Teachers Training Program

Certification January 2025

Learning modules ranged from the introductory art and practice of mindfulness meditation, to the foundations of mindfulness of body, breath, emotions, and thought. Throughout the training program, Kimberly also received training in:

  • Self-compassion and RAIN meditation technique

  • Working with pain

  • Self-forgiveness and forgiving others

  • Equanimity 

  • Compassion for self and others

  • Trauma-informed mindfulness practice

  • Working with limiting beliefs

  • Fosters community

  • Impermanence, grief, and loss

  • Desire, addiction, and harmful habits

  • Spiritual activism

As part of the training program, Kimberly led three 4-week trauma-informed introduction to mindfulness meditation courses to individuals participating in court-ordered sex offender treatment at Kimberly Keiser & Associates. This unique opportunity provided individuals with significant childhood trauma and incarceration histories to receive specialized training and experiences in developing emotional regulation skills, and highlighted Kimberly’s commitment to breaking the cycle of abuse from both the victim and perpetrator perspectives.

In addition to using these enhanced mindfulness skills in individual and group psychotherapy at Kimberly Keiser & Associates, Kimberly has developed an online course, From Sexual Distress to Sexual Satisfaction: Your Foundations for Sexual Health and Pleasure. This course integrates mindfulness practice to improve sexual arousal and response through Mend Education.

To work directly with Kimberly or learn more about how mindfulness meditation can support you, please contact us today!


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