![Quarantining or Cocooning: What’s Your COVID-19 Coping Style? [Practice 3]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e27176d36f8a2377d84fce8/1587500607491-HYZOMN4D8EVHGGPORKOY/photo-of-man-and-woman-about-to-kiss-each-other-4148978.jpg)
Quarantining or Cocooning: What’s Your COVID-19 Coping Style? [Practice 3]
We are all navigating the COVID-19 pandemic differently. While there are countless ways of dealing with this new normal, I have found three common approaches in my relationship counseling. Which one most closely describes you and/or your partner?

Fighting Spousal Conflict During the Coronavirus: Kimberly Keiser on Dakota News Now
COVID-19 has caused lifestyle changes for couples across the country. If you live with your partner, you’re not only spending less time with other people, you’re also spending more time with your partner — way more time. So how can you cope with suddenly being around your partner 24/7?
![Developing Healthy Routines and Habits During a Lifestyle Change [Practice 2]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e27176d36f8a2377d84fce8/1653335944201-EGRDGDMZNO0NVKE7Q37Y/image-asset.jpg)
Developing Healthy Routines and Habits During a Lifestyle Change [Practice 2]
Healthy routines and habits are important at any time in our lives, but during a pandemic, they are even more important. For this mental health practice, we interviewed Peter Kuzila to see how he is coping with the changes around COVID-19.

Introducing Tele-Health: Online Counseling Services in South Dakota
Here at Kimberly Keiser & Associates, we aren’t letting COVID-19 affect our business or, more importantly, our clients. That’s why we have recently become a certified tele-health clinic — so you can visit with our therapists via online counseling sessions.

Ask Us Anything: I’m Worried Now More Than Ever, What Can I Do?
Anxiety and depression are among the most common mental health concerns. Given the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, they are even more likely for many people.
![A Shift In Perspective [Practice 1]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5e27176d36f8a2377d84fce8/1586956987643-CCS65QAL3967IIKZ2ZZL/Screen+Shot+2020-04-15+at+8.20.14+AM.png)
A Shift In Perspective [Practice 1]
See how a change of perspective can help you go from survival mode to using this moment in your life to thrive.
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